Welcome to St. John’s

Welcome! We are glad that you are here. At St. John’s you will hear, see, and experience God’s love in Jesus. We are a community of faith that cultivates hope by focusing on God’s presence and work in our lives and in our world.

We invite you to come for one of our worship services on Sunday mornings at 9:15. We also have an education hour at 10:30. If you are here on the second Sunday of the month, join us for a time of food and fun at our monthly Coffee and Donut fellowship Time.

At St. John’s we emphasize living as students (disciples) of Jesus who join God in God’s mission in this world. We put this into practice through a simple discipleship process that Equips us for life; Encourages us in discipleship; and Engages our neighborhoods and community in service.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. God bless you.

In Jesus’ Love,

Pastor CJ Ransdell

Visiting St. John’s

what’s it like to come to St. John’s? Scroll down to find out what worship, education hour, and the Coffee and Donut Fellowship are like.

Worship at St. John’s

Worship at St. John’s takes place every Sunday morning at 9:15. Holy Communion is celebrated at every Sunday service.

What happens when I get there?

When you arrive, you will be greeted by our friendly ushers. There are Children’s Bulletins available for the kids. If you would like one, just ask. After you get your bulletin, make your way into the sanctuary and find a seat. This is a good time to pray before the service. Some people will use it to visit and catch up with each other. There is typically music that plays during this time. 

What is the worship style like?

Our services are liturgical with a modern feel. Because they follow the seasons of the church calendar, you will find a nice variety of themes and emphases. This helps worship to stay fresh as we move through the various seasons. The use of liturgy gives us a vocabulary for our worship and connects us to the worship of Christians around the world and through the years of history. This worship engages our whole bodies (as we stand or kneel at various points in the service), and our senses (we hear the word, touch, taste, smell, the bread and wine of Holy Communion). In the service, God pours out God’s gifts into our lives. Through these gifts, faith is given, strengthened, and nourished. After the service, we are sent out into the world to join God in God’s mission.

Don’t worry if the worship or worship style is unfamiliar to you. St. John’s is a safe place to learn. We do not expect perfection in worship. It does not take long to get the hang of the order and flow of service. Our services are shown on screens so that you will always know where we are in the service.

How long is the service?

Worship services last around an hour and twenty minutes. This may vary a little from season to season, but not by much.

What should I wear?

There is no dress code at St. John’s. You are welcome to come just as you are. Typically, people at St. John’s dress in business casual attire.

What about children?

Children are welcome at St. John’s and encouraged to be in the sanctuary for worship. Each service has a children’s message where the children are invited to come forward to hear a message designed to help them connect with the scripture readings or themes of the day.

What should I do during the offering?

Giving our offerings to God is an important response to God’s grace for us as we live out our lives as God’s people. We do not expect our visitors to give to the offering, however, you are certainly welcome to participate if you would like.

What do I need to know about communion?

Holy Communion is a grace-filled action in which our Lord gives us the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. If you have been Baptized, instructed in the meaning of Holy Communion, received your First Communion, are repentant of sin, desire God’s forgiveness, and believe that the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ are truly present in this Sacrament, you are invited to receive the Holy Communion at St. John’s. If you have questions, please see the Pastor or an elder.

What else do I need to know?

Please be sure to fill out the welcome sheet to let us know that you were here.

After the service you are welcome to check out Bible Study, or on the second Sunday of the month, join us for our Coffee and Donut Fellowship time.

We also hold services in special seasons and on important days. In the seasons of Advent (4 weeks preceding Christmas) and Lent (6 weeks preceding Easter), we have services on Wednesdays at 7:15 pm. These services last about thirty minutes and focus on the hearing of God’s word and prayer.

During the important days in the church year (Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday) we have services at 12:15 pm and 7:15 pm. These services serve Holy Communion.

Education Hour at St. John’s

The education hour begins at 10:30 (right after the worship service). These provide opportunities for people to grow in their faith by growing in their understanding of God’s Word.

Where do I go for the Education Hour?

 The education hour takes place in the basement.

What if I have never been to a Bible study before?

Don’t worry if you are unfamiliar with the Bible and Bible study. That is what this time is all about. The only thing you have to do is come and listen and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.

Do I have to have a Bible with me?

There are bibles if you do not have one with you.

What is the format of the class?

The format for the class is conversational. 

Will I be asked to read or answer questions?

The class participants are welcome to help read, answer questions that are asked, participate in conversations, and to also ask questions. However, you will never be called on to do that. Your participation at this level is optional. It is ok to come and listen and learn that way.

Are there Education opportunities for children?

Yes. Children’s education at St. John’s gives children an interactive and fun way to learn about the bible, how much God loves us, and how we can share that love with others.  Our curriculum offers age-appropriate activities for preschoolers through middle school age children.  We extend this learning through song, movement, and crafts.  We meet on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. Please contact the church office for more information.


Coffee and Donut Fellowship

When is the Coffee and Donut Fellowship?

The Second Sunday of every month. This is a time to enjoy good food and meet some good people.

Where is the Coffee and Donut Fellowship?

This event takes place in the basement of the church building. After the worship service, you make your way downstairs.

Do I need to bring anything in order to participate?

No. You do not have to bring anything in order to attend. Please come and join us for this great event.